Activities included: chocolate art, vegetable bugs & animals, cake decorating, and black bean brownies!
Kara made an amazing chocolate art, recreating a gorgeous photo in our Department calendar of a green violet-ear (a hummingbird) in delicious, edible chocolate!
Kaitlin decorated a chocolate cake for her boyfriend, complete with green FONDANT that she infused with edible glitter and shaped into leaves! Beautiful work!!!
Michelle made a complex, multi-layered confection, with a black bean brownie base, red food dye, vanilla icing, and then an edible mosaic top! The mosaic was made up of chocolate with red food dye that she'd melted and frozen beforehand, and then broken up, and also chocolate pebbles from Kara's stash of chocolate bits. Then she made this caddisfly larva, complete with brocco/flower case!
Jess melted down different colours of chocolate, and created this assortment of candy trees and random patterny things. I also made a few random veggie animals (loon, mouse, beetle).
Ellen grouted Van's mosaic tile from last week, and then made this awesome veggie Hexagenia (veggegenia?). It's even recognizable to species-level, for those who want to try! :D
Megan made a couple of veggie bugs too- she was an assistant on the veggegenia, and then made a snail and a mite!
Katya melted down truffles (sniff!) to create awesome swirly chocolate designs. These also made a nice decoration for the top of the black bean brownie mess. :)
Theo really didn't contribute much to the craft night... he sat on the floor and pined for chocolate. He also made a fun obstacle for people working in the kitchen.
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