Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas R2D2s

My nephew Jaxon, who is 5, is a huge fan of Lego Star Wars these days, and his favourite character is R2D2. 

His baby brother, Cooper, 21-months old, is therefore a big fan too.  So, this Christmas, I made them each R2D2 costumes, and R2D2 stuffed toys.

The project took a lot of time, mostly because I appliqued the "buttons" and "sockets" and other gadgets on the robots by satin stitching around a million different squares and rectangles.  I used flannel, for both the background (a very pale blue) and the embellishments.  I don't know how well they'll wash.  I suspect they'll fray a bit.  But they're soft and cozy, a good thing especially for the stuffed toys. 

I made the "helmets" out of plastic bowls.  I shaped the fabric around each bowl (the strip of fabric in the photo on the left, with the 4 rounded hills, is how I ended up with a shape somewhat resembling a curved bowl).  And I attached straps to the inside of the helmets to be tied below the chin.  The helmets don't stay on perfectly, so I may have to find a different way to attach them to the head.

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