Friday, June 18, 2010

Whisper Craft Fun!

So we Uwindsor Crafters have begun a whisper craft project, which is pretty much a game of telephone with crafts! One member is inspired by a photo, and then that person makes a craft, then passes the craft along to the next person, who will (hopefully) be inspired to make their own craft and so on. The name of the game is that no one knows what the first crafter was inspired by. In the end, you can see everyone's craft and see how much they deviated from the original photo.

the rules are: there are no rules! just be as crafty but you cannot tell anyone in the group about your craft or what inspired it. you just hand it over to the next person.

I was the first one in line. My craft has been made (after two weeks of struggle) and sent to the next person Jess, who will (hopefully) be inspired to make her own creation. I keep stressing hopefully because I have no idea if she went EUREKA or oh....what is this when she saw it lol.

Lots of suspense...keep posted!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm inspired, all right. I just need to make it happen.
